Creative Arts & Technology:  Design & Technology
Faculty leader: Mrs C Cooper

Design and technology (DT) is a creative subject where we challenge our students to explore some of the world's big technological problems and to think about solutions. We investigate problems, seek solutions, test models and prototypes and analyse results, embracing and learning from our failures and refining our ideas.

Students study a range of different disciplines from food to electrical circuits, fabric to bridge building, learning how we can use them to create innovative solutions to problems. The curriculum is structured around the engineering habits of mind and our design cycle. Within each unit of work, students learn to identify problems, design solutions, prototype what may work and change their designs based on their analysis of what works.

Teaching is responsive and the curriculum allows for both direct teaching of skills and techniques alongside increasing choice as the students become more confident in the use of materials, ideas development and reflective practice.

Each year students will study several units using various materials and design briefs to expand their understanding of the properties of materials and how they can be used to solve the design brief we give them. While some projects may finish with a completed piece the children can bring home, others will use prototypes, models and designs. As the students increase their knowledge and skill with designing and using materials they will be able to draw on this knowledge to design, plan, and model more complex solutions.

As students progress through the school, they will be able to confidently use a range of tools, materials and processes in their work. They will be able to make links between their work and the work of others and understand how designers have solved problems throughout history. They will be able to develop ideas for their work and reflect critically on their choices, working as individuals, in groups and as a whole class. They will have increasing connections to their work and how it reflects them and their society.

Students will use the engineering habits and the design cycle to discuss and evaluate their work and practice independently. They will be able to support their peers in the making, reflection and refinement of their DT work. Pupils will be engaged in their learning and willing to develop and try out new ideas. They will have had the opportunity to experience a range of design problems throughout their time at MBMS. Attainment will be in line with age-related expectations and discussions and pupil voice will express pupils' opinions about their design education.

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NE25 8RW
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