Faculty of Creative Arts & Technology
Faculty leader: Mrs C Cooper

Welcome to The Creative Arts and Technology Faculty

This faculty brings together art, music and design & technology which provide pupils with a wide range of exciting and enriching experiences; everything from samba drumming to creating amazing artworks or designing, making and exploring inventive products.

Our emphasis is on the development of creative habits that allow students to develop their understanding and skills as artists, engineers, designers and musicians. We seek to unlock each child’s potential by identifying and encouraging talent, by enabling each child to enjoy and achieve and by promoting active thinking and learning.

Within curriculum time, all subjects are taught separately by talented staff who actively engage young learners with practical, hands-on approach to learning. Each subject follows a carefully structured course designed to equip our pupils with key transferable skills and knowledge, preparing them for the worlds of work and leisure and immersing them in diverse cultural opportunities through which they may grow in their understanding as they take their place in today’s world.

In addition, we have special enrichment opportunities. We offer a range of extracurricular clubs in music, the visual arts and technology and students are encouraged to take part in competitions and festivals. Peripatetic instrumental lessons are available with specialist teachers and students also have the opportunity to take part in whole school performances. There is also an arts residential visit to London which gives students additional opportunities to experience the arts at first hand.

Contact Us
Lovaine Avenue
Whitley Bay
Tyne & Wear
NE25 8RW

School Office

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