Faculty Leader: Mrs A Thomson

Welcome to the languages faculty

Our carefully structured courses give our pupils a wide experience of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as giving opportunities for finding out about broader aspects of lifestyle and culture.

We recognise the importance of foreign language acquisition in today’s global market-place and seek to foster curiosity and ambition. 

Pupils in both key stages encounter a range of enjoyable, exciting and challenging activities within lessons and develop their confidence and skills.

In KS2 our emphasis is on embedding key language through song and rhyme, equipping pupils with the ability to listen attentively, engage in conversations, write a variety of texts from memory and understand and respond in different language contexts.  Pupils learn how to read unfamiliar words and phrases and work out the meaning of unfamiliar texts.

In KS3 we follow a structured course which further develops these skills, widens the areas of experience and cultural understanding and prepares the pupils for further language study at high school. 

In year 8, pupils are also offered lessons in German and we also offer different language clubs depending on the interest of pupils. In the past these have included Russian, Latin and Spanish.

Contact Us
Lovaine Avenue
Whitley Bay
Tyne & Wear
NE25 8RW

School Office

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