Humanities: Life Studies
Faculty Leader: Mrs L Jackson
Life Studies at Marden Bridge
Life Studies is a combination of Religious Education and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). In Life Studies lessons we aim to encourage our pupils to understand the wide and diverse culture in which we live.
Our Religious Education curriculum allows our pupils to develop knowledge and understanding of many different worldviews, traditions and practices. Pupils will have the opportunity to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live;l reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living along the way. We want to enable our pupils to combat prejudice and prepare them for adult life, employment and life-long learning.
Through the PSHE aspect of the subject, we aim to provide pupils with both the knowledge and skills to manage their lives, stay safe, make the right decisions and thrive as both individuals and members of society.
The Vision for Life Studies at MBMS
Pupils will be encouraged to acquire a deeper knowledge of various religious beliefs and worldviews that form an integral part of British life in our ever-changing world.
Pupils will benefit from opportunities to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Pupils will develop a sense of self in the wider community through examining the nature of a variety of practices across the world.
Pupils will recognise the right of people to hold diverse beliefs and values and to develop positive attitudes of tolerance and respect towards other people (British Values).
Pupils will be prepared for life beyond MBMS; they will be encouraged to really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.
Pupils will be equipped with the necessary tools to make safe and informed decisions and to be upstanding members of the community.
RSE Parent Focus Group
In 2023 we sought views from pupils and parents in order to amend our programme.
We look forward to receiving further views from you in the future.
Please see our RSE Policy
In Year 5, Hillheads Community Church is visited; pupils can explore the church and hear about how Christians “belong”. We are currently developing other opportunities to enrich the learning experiences in the classroom.
Church visit
Recommended Reading
by Michael Rosen and Annemarie Young
by Meachen and Dana Rau
by R. J. Owen
by Judy Blume
by Amy L. Sullivan
by Sally Harris
by Matthew Syed
by Jostein Gaarder
by Malorie Blackman
by Lisa Williamson
by Malala Yousafzai
by Cath Howe
by Malorie Blackman
by Jess Butterworth