Faculty Leader: Mr D Bland

ICT and Computing @ MBMS

ICT is a core status subject which forms part of the programmes of study for every National Curriculum subject and is used to enhance the teaching and learning of all subjects when appropriate.

We aim to provide a framework that enables students to develop computational thinking, understanding, logic and programming skills.

At KS2 students will learn to develop their computing skills and understanding. This will be done by introducing them to simple programming problems in order for them to error check and fix. Students will also learn how to use technology effectively and to appreciate how technology affects their everyday lives. They will learn to use it safely, respectfully and responsibly.

At KS3 students will continue to progress with their understanding of Computer Science. They will cover both the theory and practical aspects of Computer Science including graphic design, practical Python programming, hardware and software applications.

The Vision for ICT at MBMS

Here at MBMS, we want technology to support and enhance each and every student's learning experience, both inside and outside of the classroom. We want to help students to become adept at using technology within all walks of life, to help compliment their continued learning and to develop valuable skills that they can take with them onto higher education and into the world of work.

At MBMS our aim is to create motivated ‘life-long’ learners through the use of ICT to enhance learning and teaching.

Outline of topics covered

Key Stage 2

Year 5

  • Autumn Term 1:
    Google Workspace - What is Google Workspace, setting up folders and files, sharing work with teachers. Tools and functions of, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Drawings
  • Autumn Term 2:
    E-safety - How to stay safe online - Minimising the risks and mobile Apps/smartphones
  • Spring Term 1:
    How the internet works - What is the internet? Connecting to the internet.
  • Spring Term 2:
    Vector/Bitmap Images - Creating images. What are these and how are they different?
  • Summer Term 1:
    Programming 1 - Scratch, Sequence and variables, Selection and operators.
  • Summer Term 2:
    Programming 2 - Scratch - problem solving, fixing errors.

Key Stage 2

Year 6

  • Autumn Term 1:
    Google Workspace - (up to 2 lessons of review setting up folders, archiving classes accepting invites from teachers).
    Spreadsheets - what is a spreadsheet, how are they used, formatting a spreadsheet and creating a formula/function.
  • Autumn Term 2:
    Artificial intelligence - what is AI, how does it affect us, what it might look like in the future. Gorilla glass, Robot vs Humans
  • Spring Term 1:
    What if there were no networks? - Computer Networks. What might the world look like, how might we share information? Wired and Wireless
  • Spring Term 2:
    Data representation - What is data, data can mean a number of concepts, sound and graphics.
  • Summer Term (1 & 2):
    Micro Bits (This unit will span over Sum1 & Sum2) - Developing algorithms, user inputs and outputs. User interaction.

Key Stage 3

Year 7

  • Autumn Term 1:
    Google Workspace - (up to 2 lessons of review setting up folders, archiving classes accepting invites from teachers)
    E-Safety - Introduction to online safety, Online reputation, Big data, Right to privacy
  • Autumn Term 2:
    Programming - Small Basic - To help students transition from block-based coding to text-based coding. For / While loops, Variables.
  • Spring Term 1:
    Binary and Decimal - What is Binary and Decimal. (HEX conversions-extension)
    Logic gates - AND, OR, NOT
  • Spring Term 2:
    Hardware - Internal and external. Peripherals
    Software - Applicational, operational, utility.
  • Summer Term 1:
    Computational Thinking - What is ICT?  Sorting data. Flowcharts.
  • Summer Term 2:
    Networking - What makes a network, what different kinds of networks are there. Ring, Star, Mesh.

Key Stage 3

Year 8

  • Autumn Term 1:
    Google Workspace - (up to 2 lessons of review setting up folders, archiving classes accepting invites from teachers)
    Modelling Data - Spreadsheets, collecting data, using data for yourself and others
  • Autumn Term 2:
    E-safety - Cyber ready, fake news and social media safety
  • Spring Term 1:
    Storage and Networking - What are the different types of computer storage. How does storage work within a computer system? Network devices and Types of networks.
  • Spring Term 2 & Summer Term 1:
    Creating Digital Graphics - what is a digital graphic and what makes a digital graphic. Tools and features of Photoshop, make a digital graphic.
  • Summer Term 2:
    Python Prime - Variables, Strings, functions, Loops and user inputs

Key resources:

Google Workspace Google Workspace for Education
Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows
Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Creative Cloud
Scratch Scratch
micro:bit micro:bit
Python Python

Other key websites and Apps:

Year 5


Internet Matters (primary)

Safer Internet (3-11)

Learning and study:

Scratch Coding

Year 6


Internet Matters (primary)

Safer Internet (3-11)

Learning and study:


Year 7


Internet Matters (11-13)

Safer Internet (3-11)

Learning and study:

Small Basic

Year 8


Internet Matters (11-13)

Safer Internet (11-19)

Learning and study:

Code Academy  MIMO

Contact Us
Lovaine Avenue
Whitley Bay
Tyne & Wear
NE25 8RW

School Office

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