Faculty of Science
Faculty Leader: Mr J Instone

Science is great. It can be used to explain what you had for breakfast in the morning, how you cooked it, what it’s doing to your body and how the energy contained in those cornflakes can power you for the rest of the day.

It is, in short,  AMAZING.

science logo
There are three main bits to Science:

Biology is all about the bodies and the plants and the animals that surround us, the way they interact and how they do the things they do; it’s about growth, origin and evolution.

Chemistry is about the bonds that hold together everything you see, and the stuff you can’t. More importantly, it’s also about what happens when we break those bonds apart, and the explosions that tend to happen when we do.

Physics is about the stuff we see in everyday life and how it moves and changes; the forces that act on these objects and how the energy they hold is transferred from one type to another.

At Marden Bridge we’re establishing a department that teaches science through practical work – learning through doing, supporting that with effective modelling and emphasising well explained written work with strong literacy ties.

Our goal is to deliver the most exciting, stimulating and creative curriculum possible, encouraging pupils to build in confidence through engaging in their learning.

We encourage reflective learning using the principles of Diamond 9 and SOLO taxonomy. To improve pupil outcomes we use a combination of end point tests and APP tasks to assess the pupils’ progress and set ambitious targets for their achievement.

Oh, and there’s Bunsen burners. Lots of Bunsen burners.

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Lovaine Avenue
Whitley Bay
Tyne & Wear
NE25 8RW
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