Job Vacancies @ MBMS
This page contains details of all current job vacancies at Marden Bridge Middle School. The closing date for applications is shown in brackets.
For full details, follow the appropriate link to the listing on (if available). You can also email the school directly for further information.

Teaching Vacancies

No vacancies at the moment

Support & Non-teaching Vacancies

Learning Support Assistant
Fixed Term - 1 year (11/11/2024)

Required: ASAP

Term time only (195 days)

Marden Bridge Middle School requires a suitably experienced, versatile and competent Learning Support Assistant to support pupils in the SEN cohort at Marden Bridge.

The successful candidate will work under the guidance of SENDCO, and within an agreed system of supervision, to implement agreed work programmes with the individual or groups, in or out of the classroom. This includes in class support, withdrawal work to focus on specific skills, accompaniment on trips, liaising with teachers and a thirst to engage with the high quality CPD on offer.

The primary focus of the post is to support SEN pupils with a variety of needs both in and out of the classroom.

The successful candidates will be knowledgeable, effective and able to support pupils with needs including ASD, ADHD, SEMH, dyslexia and dyscalculia for example. Marden Bridge offers a comprehensive training programme so candidates who show willingness will have the opportunity to make significant career gains at our school.

Further details available from

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Lovaine Avenue
Whitley Bay
Tyne & Wear
NE25 8RW
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