News and Events
Everything going on at Marden Bridge Middle School

News and information - 2023/24

We are seeking a new
Weekend Activities Provider

We currently have an exciting opportunity for an external provider to take responsibility for providing weekend indoor and outdoor sports bookings.

Marden Bridge Sports Centre is situated in the heart of Whitley Bay. It is a unique facility on the site of Marden Bridge Middle School and comprises of a large sports hall with changing facilities, dance studio, all weather pitch and grass pitches.

Our vision would be for a new provider to continue to offer our current range of activities whilst expanding the range of activities and participants.

More Information



News - 2022/23

Summer Activity Camp
Summer holiday 2023

Summer sports and activity camps 2023

Holiday Camps at Marden Bridge Sports Centre

Book now to take part in our holiday Sports Camps, from Monday 24 July to Friday 2 September 2023.

Email us to book: OR visit our Facebook page.


SATs Information
A guide to this years's SATs for parents and carers

Y6 SATs guide link

SATs Guide

Thanks you to everyone who attended the SATs information event on Thursday 12 January.

For anyone who could not attend, the slides from the presentation are available by following the link below.


Careers Live
Wednesday 18 January - Burnside College

NTLT Careers Live

North Tyneside Learning Trust Careers Fayre

Careers Live is taking place at Burnside College on Wednesday 18th January with nearly 50 exhibitors including employers, further education and higher education providers and Connexions and training providers.

It's an ideal opportunity for both parents and students to find out about their options when they leave school and hear from a wide range of sectors and employers.



Children in Need ZUMBATHON!
Friday 18 November 2022

We raised £1125 for Chidren in Need.
Well done everybody!

MBMS Maths website
Available to view now


New Maths Department Website Launched

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new website, dedicated to the work of the Maths department here at MBMS.

This site was produced by Miss Sproat and Miss Dignan in the Maths department and is full of useful information and support.


HalloweenMagic Show
Saturday 29 October 5:30 - 7pm (Entry 5:15pm)

Halloween magic show image

Halloween Magic Show at Marden Bridge Sports Centre

Come along for a fun-filled show with sweets, magic tricks and balloon modelling, brought to you by Mr Twister.   Saturday 29 October, 5:30 - 7pm.

Please wear your scariest costumes/outfits as there are prizes for the best dressed boy and girl. We will be serving hot and cold drinks and running a tuck shop before and during the show. Raffle tickets will be available on the night with some great prizes to be won!

To book, email:

Holiday Activity Camps
October half-term 2022


Marden Bridge Sports Centre
24 - 28 October 2022

Enjoy trampolining with indoor and outdoor sports and a bouncy castle.

Click/press the image for more information.

Whitley Bay Collaborative Open Evenings
22 September 2022 - *Rescheduled

Whitley Bay Partnership of Schools

Whitley Bay Partnership of Schools

*Please note: Our Open Evening event has been rescheduled from 19 September (now a bank holiday for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth) to Thursday 22 September, 5:30pm - 7:30pm.

We warmly invite you to attend our open evenings to find out more about the excellent opportunities, facilities and experiences the schools in our Partnership have to offer.

Make your child’s next move a happy and successful one within our Partnership. Meet our staff and pupils, enjoy a tour of our schools and a look at our curriculums.

Open Evenings Timetable

News - 2021/22

Children's Cancer Run - Results
Took place on 15 May 2022

Children's Cancer Run logo

The results are in!

Marden Bridge Middle School raised a grand total of £4699 for the Children's Cancer Run this year! We are 7th out of 75 schools in terms of our fundraising total.

Thanks for your support and to all of the pupils and staff who came along to take part or help.

Well done!

Marden Bridge Showcase
Whitley Bay Dome Plaza - 7 July 2022

Dancers at the Plaza

MBMS Plaza Showcase

Pupils from Marden Bridge put on a spectacular showcase of dance, song and acting for family, friends and the public at Whitley Bay Dome Plaza on Thursday 7th July.

Huge thanks go to everyone who organised this fantastic event and all who came along to watch and support our talented pupils.  Look out for more performances next year!

Showcase Video

Marden Bridge Girls Football Team success

Marden Bridge Girls Football Team with Mrs Nixon photo

Marden Bridge girls football team win the ENBSFA league for the first time in 22 years.

Earlier this term, the U13 Marden Bridge Girls Football Team took home the title of Champions of East Northumberland & Berwick Schools FA League. Competing against 18 teams in total, this is the first time in 22 years that Marden Bridge entered the girls league and brought home the title with pride to their home town of Whitley Bay.


Summer Activity Camps
25 July - 2 September 2022

Summer Activity camps flier

Summer activities at Marden Bridge Sports Centre

Daily, sessions and hour-spots available.

Book now


Summer Fayre 2022
Saturday 18 June 2022, 10:00-12:00pm

MBMS Summer Fayre

The PTA Summer Fayre was a huge success on Saturday; many families commented on how nice it was to see others in a large setting, with everybody having fun.

What I particularly enjoyed seeing yesterday was that pupils interacted so well with the community.

Many adults sought me out to let me know how well mannered and articulate our pupils were. They were a credit to the school and their families, the staff at our school are incredibly proud of them.

Monday 20 June will be a non uniform day for all pupils, regardless of whether they attended or not. We realise that many others would have liked to be there but already have commitments on a Saturday morning, while other families helped in other ways like providing raffle prizes and making donations. We recognise that, for the Summer Fair to be as successful as it was, it takes a whole team effort.

The total raised on the day was £3899, we are really appreciative of everybody's efforts.

We will use this money to help fund the pupil reward system.

Mr Newport

Whitley Bay Park Run
Marden Bridge Take-Over, Sunday 10 July 2022

Park Run take-over

Join us for the Whitley Bay Park Run takeover!

To take part, register at to get your barcode.

We will meet at 8:45am at the Rendezvous Cafe on Sunday 10 July.

Hope to see you there!


Summer Fayre 2022
Saturday 18 June 2022, 10:00-12:00pm

MBMS Summer Fayre

The Summer Fayre is back!

After a couple of years of restrictions, it is with great pleasure that we announce that the Marden event of the year is back!

The Summer Fayre will take place on Saturday 18 June 2022 (10am – 12pm). The theme is, “FESTIVAL” and so feel free to wear your version of festival gear!

More information

World Book Day 2022
Thursday 3rd March 2022

Link to World Book Day website

Celebrating 25 Years of World Book Day!

Here at Marden Bridge we are always excited to celebrate World Book Day and this year is extra special.

As usual there will be fun activities and a multitude of costumes... look out for Miss Lister and her 101 Dalmations!

For more information about the day, please view the letter sent out earlier in the month by Mrs Dixon  Read more

You can also visit the World Book Day website for much more information... and keep reading!

World Book Day

Parent Consultations 2022
Next: Y8 - 25th & 27th January 2022, 3:30-6:30pm

Video Appointments

Our Parent Consultation Events are taking place online this year.

Our next event, for the parents/carers of Year 8 students, will take place on Tuesday 25th January and Thursday 27th January 2022 from 3:30 - 6:30pm.

Use the link below for further information and to access the booking system and short guides on how to make appointments and join video calls.

Consultations Page

Open Evening 2021
20 September 2021, 5-7pm

Open Evening Programme

Join us for a packed programme of activities... 

We are delighted to announce that our Open Evening event will go ahead normally this year on Monday 20 September 2021 from 5pm - 7pm.

We have a packed programme of activities for you to enjoy, with helpful guides to direct you and answer any questions you may have. Refreshments will be available in the dining hall.

We look forward to welcoming you in to our school!

Programme of Activities

Mr Newport

Autumn Term 2021
Beginning Thursday 2nd September 2021

letter home

Arrangements for the start of term - September 2021

We hope you all have the opportunity to enjoy a well deserved summer break!

Please view this letter which outlines the arrangements for the start of the new school year.


Mr Newport



Holiday Activity Camps
Summer 2021

5 Weeks of Fun & Sport!

Activity camps will be taking place at Marden Bridge Sports Centre throughout the summer break.

Book your place now!



Activ 5
21st - 25th June 2021

Tyne and Wear School Games

MBMS will be taking part in the Tyne and Wear ACTIV 5 initiative fom Monday 21st to Friday 25th June.

Pupils will take part in a variety of activities throughout the week in PE and even in the classroom during registration!

Please visit the RISE website for more information about Activ 5...

Mrs Newport

Primary Science Quality Mark
Update: June 2021

Marden Bridge Awarded Primary Science Quality Mark

In May 2021, Marden Bridge Middle School was one of only 334 schools to be awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark. This award recognises and celebrates a school’s commitment to excellence in science teaching and learning, and while since 2010 some 4000 schools have been awarded this prize, we are especially pleased to have secured this award in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.

The Primary Science Quality Mark is awarded to schools where effective leadership of science enables schools to work together to share good practice, and is supported by professional development led by local experts. It encourages teacher autonomy and innovation while at the same time offering a clear framework for development in science subject leadership, teaching and learning. Schools that achieve PSQM demonstrate commitment and expertise in science leadership, teaching and learning and we are very proud of our science department for the work that has gone into achieving this award.

The Primary Science Quality Mark is led by the University of Hertfordshire, School of Education in collaboration with the Primary Science Teaching Trust. Associate Professor Jane Turner, PSQM National Director said:

“There was never a more important time for children to have a high-quality science education. The Coronavirus Pandemic has made everyone aware of the impact of science on our daily lives. Schools have an important role to ensure that children understand how science works and keeps us healthy and safe. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science teaching and learning, even at this challenging time for schools. The profile and quality of science in each awarded school is very high. Children are engaging with great science both in and outside the classroom, developing positive attitudes towards science as well as secure scientific understanding and skills. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, head teachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.”

Visit the PSQM Website  and the PSTT Website for more information.

Mr Instone

BookBuzz 2020
Update: April 2021

Bookbuzz from the Book Trust

We are delighted to have given every pupil in Year 7 their very own reading book to keep as part of Bookbuzz 2020. This has been made possible by school raising funds through a non- uniform day to cover the cost of £3 per pupil.

Bookbuzz is a reading programme from Book Trust that aims to help schools inspire their pupils with a love and passion for reading. As a result, each Year 7 student has carefully chosen a book from a choice of seventeen on offer.

We sincerely hope that all our Year 7 students will enjoy their special book and that by receiving this wonderful gift, they are encouraged to continue on their individual reading journeys.

Happy Reading!

Mrs Byren

May Half Term Sports Camp
1-4 June 2021

Trampolinining and Multi-Sports

Join us for the May Half Term Sports Camp at Marden Bridge Sports Centre, taking place from Monday 1 to Friday 4 May.

Daily Sessions and 1 hour slots are available from 10am - 3pm each day.


Please follow the link below to contact the Sports Centre directly...

Sports Centre

Sean Dixon -

School Dinners - Move to ParentPay
12 April 2021

ParentPay logo

Payment of School Meals

IMPORTANT UPDATE - On 12 April 2021 Marden Bridge will be making the switch from the JOINOS payment website to the PARENTPAY payment website.

North Tyneside Council Catering Services will contact you by email when it's time to set up your account with ParentPay.

If you have any queries regarding the activation when you receive it, please email

For further information, please go to the ParentPay website


Careers Guidance Update

Careers Guidance

Careers, Enterprise, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) is having to be looked at in a different way this year. At Marden Bridge, we have built up a fantastic range of businesses and enterprise support over the years and have worked together successfully to give our pupils numerous experiences to develop skills they will need for the future.

This year, unfortunately, our usual programme of activities is not possible. There are still opportunities this year, though and we will be tweeting about online events as they happen.

Please encourage your children to take a look at these events online. Some of the events we will watch together in class but some are on evenings and weekends.

It really is never too early to think about the future; keeping options open and finding out about jobs and careers is a great place to start.

If you have any questions about CEIAG please contact Mrs Jackson:

Mrs Jackson

Online Open Day
From 25 September 2020

Openday website

A brand new section of our website was launched on 25 September.  It's aim is to provide the detailed information that parents and carers would have recieved at this time of year at our Open Evening events.

Current restrictions have curtailed our normal transitional experiences and we hope that this website will provide much needed guidance, advice and information to parents and pupils alike.

Open Day Website

Message from Kim McGuiness, your Police and Crime Commissioner
From 01 October 2020

Kim McGuinness, Northumbria PCC

On 1st October, I launch a major public consultation on my next Police and Crime Plan. This will set out the strategic priorities for the next four years, and, just as importantly, it will set out how I hold the chief constable to account in delivering on these for you.

In launching this consultation I am asking communities and organisations to consider the future of our local policing needs under three main themes – Fighting Crime, Preventing Crime and Improving Lives. I’ve explained in more detail what these themes cover on my website

In order to gather views on these I have launched a survey asking people what they need from the force.

Under 16 youth survey   16+ survey

Contact Us
Lovaine Avenue
Whitley Bay
Tyne & Wear
NE25 8RW
All content Copyright © MBMS 2013 -